
“Certainly work is not always required of a man. There is such a thing as a sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.” – George Mac Donald, Wilfrid Cumbermede

There\’s an odd feeling you get when after going full tilt for so long, things finally slow down to a normal pace, and you quite don\’t know how to handle it. Brooke is discovering this as her business hits its stride, and she finally finds herself with some free time.

In Chapter 19, Brooke finds herself with some spare moments, now that Soña and Justice are on board. So she uses it to branch out in the community a bit more as well as re-engage with her parents.

So let’s keep reading. Here’s Chapter 19.

Remember, this is a shared experience. Your comments and suggestions at the end of each chapter will help us pick the best route so we can all end up back at Tall Clover Farms by the end of the book.

As always, the conversation starts here.