
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Everyone is different” has become pretty much a platitude these days. It\’s just how different is the issue.

Maybe your thing is to always wear bow ties or lavender stockings. Or both! Or maybe your “different” goes deeper than that. Maybe your thought processes skew in a different way than most people. Thinking differently is where creativity and true progress comes from.

But sometimes thinking “too differently” can have a downside – like trying to be a productive participant in a 9-to-5 world.

In Chapter 8, we explore Brooke\’s path – on her listening to a beat to a different drummer – and the benefits as well as the consequences therein.

So let’s keep reading. Here’s Chapter 8.

Remember, this is a shared experience. Your comments and suggestions at the end of each chapter will help us pick the best route so we can all end up back at Tall Clover Farms by the end of the book.

As always, the conversation starts here.