
“Easy reading is damn hard writing.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

“So what’s it about; this book you’re writing?”

I’ve heard that question often since I wrote my blog post about how my dog told me to write a book.

My answer, “I don’t know. It’s not finished yet.”

I’m inviting you to find out with me; to tell me what you think – one chapter at a time.

How this will work. I’ll give you an overview of each chapter right here on Choices Do Matter. In each post, I’ll provide a link to the new chapter. All you have to do is click on that link to start reading the book. And no worries if you get behind or want to start over, you’ll be able to find everything, even back to this first chapter. (Isn’t the internet wonderful?)

I want your opinions along the way. Does the story sound real? Could it happen like that? Is one character too snotty and needs to be fixed? You can leave them in comments below, or if you want them to be private you can use the contact eMail link. I’m easy to find.

If needed, I’ll adjust the story as we go. That way, when we get to the end, the story may (and probably will) have changed. That’s OK, because you can go back and read it again, with the adjustments we’ve made – together.

Coming back will be a good idea if you’re in a hurry or when the light turns green.

Now you know the plan.

My First Novel is like an old soap opera in a familiar setting — with a little crowd sourcing thrown in.

In this first chapter, we get a little, but rich history, of a parcel of land in the NC mountains – and an introduction to a couple who make an unthinkable choice (at least to their neighbors) .. and another couple who chooses to pick up where the first couple left off.

Ready? Set? Read!

Thanks for being part of the fun. And don’t forget to ask others to join because Choices Do Matter is always about the conversations that start here.

PS: Don\’t worry. In addition to these chapters, I\’ll still write posts (maybe not as often) about the choices I and others have made, and continue to let those conversations take us where they may.