
“I’m a great believer in luck. I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” ― Thomas Jefferson (attributed)

Do you believe in luck .. or lucky signs? Are good luck omens real – or do they just motivate you to make your own luck? What\’s the difference as long as it works? Brooke is about to find out.

In Chapter 15, Brooke gets a lucky omen – and an idea! She enlists Peter\’s help and Mel\’s advice over bites of gas station chicken. They depart looking to cash in on a dog\’s life.

So let’s keep reading. Here’s Chapter 15.

Remember, this is a shared experience. Your comments and suggestions at the end of each chapter will help us pick the best route so we can all end up back at Tall Clover Farms by the end of the book.

As always, the conversation starts here.